Wednesday, May 25, 2016

FAQ - Things to note before and after Hair Transplant

During last 8 months since I started writing this blog, I received many queries regarding hair transplant. So I decided to write a FAQ post. This post is a summary of all previous posts. The answers below are based on my personal experience. So please consider them as reference only.

1. Which hair transplant procedure should I select?

There is no rule as such for selecting the type of procedure, but in general, if you need large number of hairs to cover up the bald area (more than 2000), then its better to go for FUT method (strip) and if smaller area is to be covered ex. a bald patch, then its good to go for FUE (one by one hair extraction and implantation).

Still, your doctor will suggest based on your situation. Some doctors suggest to go for FUT as there is chance of follicle loss during FUE since hairs are extracted with some punches without any view if the root is getting damaged inside. This is avoided in FUT as the roots are separated rom each other under a microscope. During my decision process, I decided to go for FUE for most of the time but ended up undergoing FUT. My fear was the scar on backside. But fortunately,  the scar doesn't show up if you keep hair length more than 3-4 mm.

2. How to select the doctor/clinic?

This is very important part. From my point of view, select a clinic where a large number of surgeries if performed daily. 

This is because experience of performing a surgery counts. Every clinic specialized in Hair Transplant tries to attract patients based on a STAR doctor. That is their USP. But the doctor himself never performs the complete surgery. His assistants (who are not necessarily doctors) are involved throughout the surgery. The STAR doctor only performs the important parts like hairline or strip stitching etc. 

So its better to select clinic with high density of surgeries daily so that you are in safe hands even if the main doctor is not involved completely during surgery.

3. What should I clarify with the doctor before surgery?

This question is related to above question. You should clarify how much time the doctor will spend with you during the surgery. Insist on more time with you.

You should also confirm the action the clinic will take in case the results are not good after 8-10 months. When they are charging huge amounts, you should ask for guarantee of the results. Discuss how follow ups will be done post surgery. 

4. What should I be aware about? (Marketing gimmicks)

Do not ever fall pray to the confidence boost gimmick. Your confidence is within you and not based on your hairs.

Some doctors provide an option of reducing the surgery cost if you allow to be filmed during surgery. They will use that for advertising. It's up-to you if you go for it. I found it not so attractive option. They use your surgery as a training for the students. So if you select this option, be very specific that the surgery should be performed without intervention from trainees. 

5. What care should I take after the surgery?

Eat well, follow healthy lifestyle, take sound sleep, do some Yoga, stay away from pollution and keep calm. I would say these practices will help maintain good health which will lead to success of your hair transplant. I am not a doctor to advise this but my experiences says these practices compliment the hair growth.

6. What to expect in 1 month after the surgery?

Do not expect transformation in 1 month. You will see transplanted hairs falling out by 1 month.

My experience was that the single stranded hairs did not fall. They were transplanted in frontal part. In fact they are still growing after 8 months. The double and triple stranded hairs fell. So you can go for hair cut after 1 month so that you have uniformity on the head.

You original hairs will grow faster than transplanted hairs. So you can have a haircut to make whole length equal. The cut on doner area heals quickly. By 1 month, the pain is gone and scar starts disappearing. It is advisable to stay away from pollution during this period. Better to stay and work from home.

7. What to expect in 2 to 9 months after the surgery?

By 9 months, you should change in appearance.

In my case, since the single stranded hairs never fell, they grew to full length. The double and single stranded hairs have also started growing but still very small. I suppose by 12 months, they should be up.

You can have haircut at usual intervals as you have now. But special attention should be paid to the haircut as hairs grow with different lengths in different areas on head now.

If you have to attend a function or a ceremony or party, you might have to use Hair Fibers to look fine. Else you might become talk of town there. But its case by case and not applicable to everyone.   

8. What is hair style dilemma after the transplant.

Well I explained this already in last question. Since the hairs are growing at different lengths on head, you have to be careful while having haircut so that you look uniform in the hairs. I used to call it as hairstyle dilemma.

9. Should you inform friends and family about your decision?

I would suggest to do your homework well and decide based on your conclusions. Do not ask everyone weather its good for you or not etc questions. Its good to be away from regular place while the hairs are growing. But its not possible for everyone. Try to keep IN so that you don't have to explain to everyone meeting you. Remember that you decide to go for HT for yourself and not for others. So don't be responsible for explanations.

Take the Hair Transplant as a 1 year challenge and take every effort to make it successful. I told above that doctor should give guarantee about success. But its equal responsibility of you to take every possible care post surgery.

Please let me know if you have any other questions. I will try to answer based on experience.


  1. You write the really awesome post. Every one who wants the hair transplant surgery should read this blog before getting the treatment. Appreciate your post.

  2. Hey! Great Blog! Thanks for the useful info. I have been thinking to go for a hair transplant in Sydney

  3. you have done very good improvement in 9 months of hair transplant surgery. I had a women patient who seeks Hair Transplant In Women and i helped her with best hair transplant in nice months she make better progress than you. No offence because she select Best hair transplant surgeon in India.

  4. Hair is very important and especially a facial hair transplant can give him a new sense of self-respect and self-belief.
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  5. Useful information about hair transplantation. Are there any other clinics which do Hair Transplantation in Jabalpur

  6. The article is worth for those who wants to answer the question which you mentioned above, because he/she doesn't know that what is good for him/her at that time, or he/she is the right candidate for hair restoration also he/she wants to know the post hair transplant care.

  7. Great information. Are you looking for the best and top class hair transplant in Hyderabad then you can directly visit our center. We offer high quality treatment to patient at very low rates. For more details visit here.

  8. Hair Transplant is very common and popular procedure all over the world and different kinds of treatment but FUE hair transfer donor area and any other part of the body to bald area through surgical procedure no need any stitches etc.
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  9. Hair Transplant is the procedure to get your hair back in a natural way. FUE and FUT are techniques of hair transplant.Every technique is different from other and cost is also different. But It is the Safe and Permanent solution for hair.
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  10. You write the really awesome post. Every one who wants the hair transplant surgery should read this blog before getting the treatment. Appreciate your post.
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  11. I like your post. It is good to see you verbalize from the heart and clarity on this important subject can be easily observed. After the FUE hair transplant method is over the patient is given fundamental directions to everything from practicing to showering. Tolerant is given topical meds and additionally anti-toxins and mellow painkillers as required. Hair Transplant

  12. Awesome post, thanks for sharing. If the man looking for a hair transplant specialist feels confident that the photos demonstrate competence, he should still not agree to the procedure. He needs further confirmation that the specialist who he has in mind has enough skills to satisfy a licensed physician. The best hair transplant specialists do transplants on the heads of physicians who are going bald.Click here

  13. Mind blowing post, thanks for sharing.There are a lot of tangible options for you when it comes to hair restoration. You don't have to worry about wearing an embarrassing wig for the rest of your life once you start to have thinning hair. Hair loss treatments range from natural topical solutions to surgical hair transplants, depending on the severity of your condition.Best Hair Transplant Service

  14. Amazing post, thanks for sharing. Are you affected by male hair loss? Looking for the best treatment for hair loss? Before even trying to dig into the available treatments for baldness, it is imperative to know first what the causes of baldness. Are there any treatments that correspond exactly to the causes of baldness?Best Hair Transplant Price

  15. Really very informative post, thanks for sharing. Some problems of hair loss are temporary, while some are permanent. For every problem, there is a cure. Consulting a hair specialist will help resolve the problem. They will study the problem of the patient in depth and suggest a suitable solution. Each patient being unique has different physique and health related issues. It is only after careful consultation that a physician can suggest the course of action to be taken.Best Hair Transplant Information

  16. Wonderful post, Thanks for sharing. If you want to fight with hair loss, then you need to find out the best hair loss treatment for yourself. When you see your hair falling at an alarming rate, you get stressed and wonder why is this happening to you. But you need not worry because this problem is not only occurring to you but almost everybody. Just about everyone will suffer some periods of time where there is falling out. Therefore, you need not panic. You have to deal the problem with a cool head and patiently.Best Hair Transplant Price Information

  17. Mind blowing post, thanks for sharing. Hair transplant is exceedingly compelling as a male pattern baldness treatment, however this is a surgery. Numerous men incline toward more useful and less difficult approach to treat their balding issues - particularly on the off chance that they have one of the numerous wellbeing designs that don't cover this kind of method. Wigs are a non-caring and snappy approach to cover male pattern baldness.Best Hair Transplant Information

  18. Hello your blog is very informative, thanks for sharing. The hair follicle transplant has been used by many people around the world. It is the best procedure which can be used to deal with hair loss. A lot of drugs and medications have been marketed around the country as an alternative. Many adverse effects can be experienced from these medicines. The surgical transplant is a direct and effective way to deal with hair loss. People should choose this since it has no adverse and negative effect.Best Hair Transplant Price Information

  19. Awesome post, thanks for sharing. Male pattern baldness and thinning up top used to be something that numerous individuals felt humiliated about, however now there are such huge numbers of choices and better innovation accessible, so nobody should feel awkward about looking for help. The as a matter of first importance vital thing to discover is the hair substitution choices that are accessible to you. It is suggested that you discover a substitution that will suit you and your way of life, additionally the reasons you have encountered balding should be set up so you can locate the best arrangement.FUE Hair Transplant Turkey

  20. Hello your post is very helpfull, thanks for sharing. People having a hair loss transplant as a solution to their growing baldness, has increased steadily over the years in its popularity. The reason being, having to do with the quick solution offered within this path. Some don't realize the potential risks involved, while others may feel different kinds of alternative treatments are limited.Best Hair Transplant Service

  21. Really mind blowing post, thanks for sharing. Hair shapes a critical part in the excellence of a person. There might be cases that may bring about losing it because of physical, restorative and regular elements. A portion of the causes might be a direct result of horrible eating routine and drug. There are improvements that have occurred in the excellence and restoration industry to discover the best solution to manage this issue. This is for the most part on the grounds that if the issue isn't managed in its beginning periods you can wind up bare. There are along these lines new innovations for balding accessible in the market today. A portion of these incorporates the accompanying.Best Hair Transplant Price

  22. Excellent post really important for us. Most people start to lose their hair as they grow older while some already starts losing hair when they are young. But it is scarier to lose hair when you are older. It is a scary situation because people will know that they are already getting old. Some already accept the fact that it is a part of the aging process and does not do anything about it. While some opt to find something to cover-up their hair Luckily, in this day and age, there are hair loss treatments that can help older people look younger again. However, there are also some who are blessed and does not go bald. Often, males who are bald looks a lot older than the ones with hair.Best Hair Transplant Information

  23. Really Your blog is so informative. Hair substitution medical procedure is a male pattern baldness arrangement which is getting increasingly prevalent. On account of the hair substitution medical procedure, counterfeit hair is frequently transplanted in those regions of your scalp where there is no common hair development. Once the medical procedure is finished, you can wash and brush your hair similarly as you would do with normal hair.Hair Transplant Price

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  25. From which doctor you had your hair transplant done? How supportive was the doctor and staffs post operation? And how painful is the procedure? Any side effects?

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