Sunday, September 27, 2015

On the day of surgery

It's the D day. I was planning this day for so long. But it was usual day for the clinic. So you will not get the special feeling at the clinic. They perform so many of these surgeries daily.  

There were 3 surgeries planned in the clinic on my surgery day. The team of doctors and technicians along with the Star Doctor arrived 30 min later than I did. I am from Pune, India and so had traveled to Mumbai a day in advance. 

It was my first encounter with the doctor as I had consultation only on phone. I had sent my photographs and blood etc reports to them already. I have High BP due to unknown reason. So I was worried if I am eligible for this surgery. So they asked me to get ECG etc tests done in advance and thankfully there was no problem.


Mine was FUT (Strip technique). As I needed to have 3500 grafts (as advised already by phone consultation)  to cover entire bald area. I met the doctor first time. He explained me the details. They do not need to go in much details usually as patients come with a lot of homework and know almost everything about the surgery theoretically. 

He made markings on my head and I was sent to the operation theater. 

In the Operation Theater:-

Here starts the little painful part. They inject the anesthetic solution in the head at many places on the Doner Area so as to extract the strip. But they keep talking to you and also numb the area with vibrator and with ice pack. So it pains little, but it does!!! :)

Then starts the strip extraction. It was done by assisting doctors. It took around 2.5 hours to extract it and stitch the scar. The Start Doctor came only at the time of stitching. He told me that the stitches are such that the hairs grow through the scar. I will confirm this later in the blog when I see the results.

Then I was given a break of 15 min and then started the punching procedure immediately. The assisting doctors only did this. The Star Doctor came in only for the punches for the Hair Line as it is the most important part. 

Lastly, the hair implantation procedure started where hairs were inserted into the holes already made with the punches. It was done by the assisting doctors and technicians. Single strands are implanted in front part, followed by double strands and then by triple strands. Out hairs are of three types: Single strand (1 hair per graft), Double Strand ( 2 hairs per graft), Triple Strand ( 3 hairs per graft).
Single, Double and Tripple Hair Grafts

I was implanted with 4200 hairs. They count the hairs and not the grafts. If you decide for the procedure, do make it clear if the doctor is giving number of hairs or number of grafts to be implanted and so pay attention to how he is charging you. 

See my photographs taken immediately after the surgery. This is with 4200 hairs.

Don't be scared with the blood stains. It stays for 2-3 days and washed later.
The bandage is put for the scar behind. 

There is no pain since pain killers are given and also they inject the anesthetic again after the surgery. 

I had my lunch after the surgery was over. Later I was given some precautions for 3 weeks. Usually they call us on third day after surgery to remove the bandage and wash the head. Baby shampoo is used and advised to be used for next 3 weeks.


3 weeks are crucial. Even if they say that you can go back to work next day after surgery, you will usually don't feel like going in public as anyone can make out from your head that you have undergone some procedure. So I would advice to stay back home for 1 week or more if possible. 

Also have small hair cut already before surgery as it is difficult to get it done after surgery for 3 weeks. Small hair cut is required from my point of view because the head looks strange if there are large hairs on back side and small implanted hairs on front side. So hair cut with 3 inch/5 inch is fine.

There are no food restrictions after surgery. But the more care you take, the more reduction in hair grafts loss. KEEP IN MIND THAT EVEN IF YOU GET 4000 HAIRS IMPLANTED, YOU LOOSE SOME % OF IT POST SURGERY. So always keep lower expectations and be positive.

These hairs will come out slowly. I was told that I will loose all of them in 3-4 weeks time. Then they start growing after 2-3 months. 

I will keep posting more updates.