Thursday, February 4, 2016

Five Months after Surgery

Hello, its almost 5 months now post my HT. The implanted hairs are stubborn i.e. they do not  grow at faster rate. So I am also stubborn. I am not having haircut even though it looks uneven on the head :)

There is not much difference between forth month and fifth month results. When I look at the hairs closely, I get disappointed as they do not look very dense. But that is what I was told to expect after 4-5 months.

In below photo, take a closer look at the hairs. You can magnify and see. Its a collage for left, right and top view. As you can see below, there are smaller gaps in hairs. They have not grown equally at all places. In fact you can see some small bald patches. Upon checking very carefully, you can see tiny hairs growing in the bald patches. But they seem to be not enough to cover up the area fully. This is  a thing to worry for me. I haven't discussed it with my doctor yet. But I am keeping fingers crossed that probably the hairs from front and back side would cover up these patches in 2-3 months. And also the smaller growing hairs would complement that when they grow fully. But if you are planning for transplant, do confirm this with the doctor. Basically if you see my photos from older posts, you can observe that these patch areas are not filled with very high density during HT. So probably its done on purpose by the doctor. Anyway, since my HT is done already, I can only wait for the results. But you should confirm it with the doctor.

At this stage, I think if I get a hair trimming of 5 mm all over, it would look good as transplanted part has hairs of that length. But I wont have it. I would wait for further growth. 

Here is the side view:

I apply the minoxidil daily twice. They have suggested it for 6 months. One side effect of that is the itching on head. But now I am used to it :) I also apply hair oil once a week to avoid drying of skin.

Though I am religiously following all the precautions suggested post surgery, I would expect some follow up calls from the doctor. But unfortunately it never happened. If you are planning for surgery, do ask about it to the doctor because when you pay such a huge amount, you should get good response till the 1 year incubation period is over for results.

Anyway, all the best if you are planning surgery soon. Happy hair-care and hair growth!!!